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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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the 11th hour gets underway on this wednesday night. is wednes good evening once again, live from rockefeller center in new york city. we are now 202 days away from the election. trump will be back in a manhattan courtroom tomorrow for day three of his new york election interference trial. this was a day off from court while the judge dealt with other cases. jury selection will resume in the morning. seven jurors have been officially selected, a total of 18 will hear the case. the former president spent the morning complaining about the process. he says his lawyers should have gotten unlimited chances to strike potential jurors. that is not how it works. they have the number of chances the law allows. no more, no less.
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now trump is also saying he is willing to take the witness stand in the trial and today the da unveiled his plan to cross-examine trump about his recent high profile legal losses if the former president decides to testify. it includes his half $1 billion civil fraud judgment and the civil vertex will find him liable for defamation and sexual abuse of eiji carol. the judge will decide what the jury will be allowed to hear. >> the judge rules on what things the defendant can be cross-examined on for prior litigation that goes to the defendant's credibility. he will not like listening to that. >> reporter: meanwhile trumps replicant allies in congress suffered a blow this afternoon. the house gop's impeachment of
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homeland security secretary alejandra died in the senate when the charges were dismissed in a 51-48 vote. not looking great for speaker mike johnson who a few days ago was huddling up with trump but now he risks losing his job. he has outraged the far right again by pushing separate bills to help ukraine, israel and taiwan. it has a $95 billion price tag and the house could vote on it as early as this weekend. let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel. nbc news washington correspondent, the staff writer at the atlantic and a new political contributor and a veteran federal prosecutor and former u.s. attorney for the district of michigan. her new book, attack from within, how this information is sabotaging america. you know we have legal questions
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tonight. beyond trump complaining unjustly about how the legal process works, fox news is now making up, fabricating things about potential jurors and trump is taking the fabrications and pushing them out and spreading them. how are we not back in gag order territory? that will pollute the american people and potential jurors. they are not true. >> one of the posts trump made today is suggesting that liberals are lying to sneak their way onto the jury so they can convict him. the gag order covers this i think. if i was working with alvin bragg, tomorrow morning i would argue that this is conduct covered by the gag order which included statements directed at jurors or potential jurors. when you make disparaging comments about people in the jury pool, that is covered by the gag order.
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for the reasons you say, preserving the integrity of the process and public confidence in the process and the jurors themselves. if people get wind of who they are and believe they said things that are false to harm trump, they can find themselves harassed or attacked. if i was in alvin bragg's shoes i would be aggressive in jumping on this tomorrow. >> the washington post has a extraordinary peace out that is describing the trial as a symbol of trumps complete break with new york city. the place where he built his name. i was thinking about it last night walking past trump tower, you think new york city in the 80s, trump in a limo. this trial areas that image. >> i have written about this
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for a long time. i always thought if there is one kind of rosebud to understanding trumps psychology, it is his new york roots and his specific form of status anxiety he experienced as a young man. i say it seriously. if you look through the trump literature, the speeches he has given and the books he has written, he returns to this idea that as a young man growing up in a wealthy family he was ashamed his dad made his fortune in queens and brooklyn and he always wanted to go to manhattan. as soon as he could he helped expand the trump empire into manhattan and built his entire image around being this figure of manhattan. a tabloid titan, a guy riding in the limo at all of the fancy restaurants and clubs. even at the time among the
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cities aristocracy, he was treated as a outsider. that always ate at him and i think that outer borough status anxiety he experienced fueled his revenge marched to the white house. really this trial, i was struck by it last year when i went to cover his arraignment this really is the end of his quest for manhattan's approval in particular. there is no coming back from this. it is a full rejection of him by manhattan and for that reason is a more personal trial than any others he faces. >> the boy from queens determined to be king. he did leave the white house and that a big life in florida. they lived large but none of them came back to nyc.
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the da made it clear the prosecutors plan to press trump in previous cases if he takes the stand. why would he do that? what does it have to do with this case? what does that have to do with election interference? >> it does not have anything to do with the substance of the case but it does affect trump's credibility as a witness. this is referred to as a sandoval hearing. a quirk of new york law where the prosecution has to give the defendant notice that if you take the stand and become a witness not just a defendant, we are going to try to impeach your credibility by bringing out acts of prior dishonesty so the jury can assess your truthfulness when you answer the questions today. so to give the defendant that notice, they can make the decision, if these things will
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be brought before the jury maybe i should change my mind and choose not to testify so the judge will decide whether the prior acts are admissible but i think they should be because they are things that tend to go to the credibility of trump especially when it is about fraud. i think a jury is entitled to hear those things to assess his credibility as a witness not to determine if he is guilty of the crimes because he committed fraud in the past. >> if i am alvin bragg, what i want trump to testify? that is open season. why would i show my hand and him so he will not want to testify, that would be his dream to get him on the stand. >> maybe but it is a legal requirement. there are a lot of provisions in the law the site to protect the due process rights of the defendant, before trump makes a
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decision about testifying he is entitled to this notice of the things alvin bragg will point out so he can make a informed choice about whether or not he should take the stand. >> let's talk about the campaign. politico has extraordinary reporting. i want to say this slow. trumps campaign is now asking for a financial cut from down ballot gop candidates from their fundraising when they use trump's name or image. we know a lot of candidates rely on their ties to him but how big of a windfall willoughby for his campaign if they all have to give him a cut? will they go for this? >> it is a interesting question. you have to wonder whether or not the candidates will agree to this but it does underscore how trump is continuing to make up for the cash gap he has with
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biden. he held a fundraiser in florida. raising 50 million, which is exactly double what biden raised in new york city at their fundraiser so i want to continue to look at that number and wonder if that number will pan out but if you think about the fact that almost every single republican candidate is trying to run on the coattails of former president trump. he has a base that is excited about him. he was able to take every single primary except for the one nikki haley took. it does show you that if you say you are with trump, they will be more engaged in backing you. republicans in arizona today, as well as democrats, they
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reminded me that there is a lot of republicans that are still going through state primaries. even though we think the general election has started, it is reminder that a lot of republicans are trying to beat off primary challenges by using trumps state so it is a large sum of money if you can convince the candidates to give that cut to him. >> it is amazing to me that he will take a commission. on the heels of march madness he decided he will get in on the name and likeness game. make himself some money. i want to play what johnson said tonight about his plan to put foreign aid built on the floor. >> i think providing aid to ukraine is important and i am willing to take personal risk for that because we have to do the right thing. i do not spend time thinking about the motion to vacate. >> he resisted this move until this week when all of a sudden his job is on the line.
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what is going on? >> it is really interesting. at first there was a thought that speaker johnson, that republicans would not have the ear that they had for kevin mccarthy, it now sounds like maybe there will be enough republicans to possibly threaten his job. i have been talking to democrats on the help wondering whether or not they will help save him and a number of them told me i will vote for jeffries , but there is a sense now that he may get a couple of democrats siding with him to say thank you for putting up this aid bill but it is a interesting moment where we now have republicans having deja vu you have another republican speaker saying i want to put forward things that as a caucus we should get behind and he is not able to get the number of republicans he needs to save his job so it will be interesting, especially the way he is talking about it.
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johnson is saying he is not worried about the motion to vacate when you have somebody like marjorie taylor greene and other republicans saying we may use this against you. if they do for some reason get rid of speaker johnson, who else will want the job given the fact that they have now run through two speakers of the house because of the motion to vacate? >> explain this one to me, tonight trump met with the president of poland, a huge supporter of ukraine and he has met with a number of foreign leaders over the past few months, we know that trump is anti-nato, what is he doing here? >> it is interesting, you can look at this from the europeans perspective and from trumps perspective, from trumps perspective it is as simple as it looks presidential for him to be meeting with world leaders. if they were leader is coming to him wanting to meet with him
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he will take the meeting. especially in the case of the polish president, he is a conservative guy, a outspoken trump ally, he is the one that floated the idea of naming a military base after trump. he was skilled at flattering trump. so trump will take that meeting because it is a world leader that at least says he likes him. from the europeans perspective it is interesting. he is a conservative guy but in europe and especially a country like poland there is not a right and left split on the question of russia and nato. across the spectrum russia is viewed as a threat and nato is essential. so in some ways they are a good voice for trying to convince trump to back more ukraine funding and change his mind because these are people who he sees as friendly. he will not listen to people he
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spent his presidency battling with but somebody like him coming to him and saying you should support nato and ukraine, that might get through to him. >> thank you all for starting us off tonight. it is time for a update of our the jt tracker. following how trumps media stock is doing. we explained how trump can still cash in in a big way despite the stock price sliding, he owns 80 million shares with more coming but today trump media had a better day, the stock rose 16% beginning everything it lost in the last two days and there is little russian now as to why it happened. we will track it every day and see where the price is going and more importantly tell you
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when there is a big development and why it matters. you can get analysis from he and my colleagues on the msnbc application, scan the qr code on the screen to download it. in we come back, arizona republicans had a chance to repeal a civil war era abortion ban that even trump thought was too much. what did they do? they blocked it twice. we will get into why and what is next with the arizona governor. prices at the pump are on the rise again, what it could mean for the biden campaign and more importantly we will explain why it is happening. the 11th hour is just getting underway on a wednesday night. .
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it. >> abortion rights advocates rallied outside of the arizona state house after state republicans blocked another attempt to repeal a civil war era near-total abortion ban. democrats plan to try again this week, this law is set to take effect in early june. the democratic governor of the state of arizona joins us now. thank you for being here, this has been blocked twice, why are you hopeful can pass with democrats bringing it up another time? >> i am not necessarily hopeful. today was the second time since the devastating ruling that reinstates this 1864 total abortion ban that republicans in the legislature have blocked a move to repeal it. they blocked it not once but twice. they are not in line with the majority of citizens that do not want this draconian band.
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they have made it clear since the ruling that they want it repealed and raised republicans do not do the right thing i know voters will hold them accountable this november. >> why are the republicans doing it then? they want to be in office and get elected again. if republicans in your state do not want this man, what is the rationale? >> you would have to ask them that, from my position it looks like they're just playing political games with women's lives in arizona. it is beyond unfortunate, we know the band will have devastating consequences for access to healthcare, not just for abortion but across the spectrum of pregnancy. these republicans are just playing games. i have called for the repeal of this law since the dobbs
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decision in 2022. i renewed the call in the state of the state address in january and they had a bill in front of them that will repeal this law since january. they have missed every single opportunity to do that. they have no excuses. >> is extraordinary game strategy since it is a wildly unpopular law. the state attorney general says she will not prosecute abortion related cases if this goes into place. you signed a executive order that says county prosecutors must defer to the agency on abortion cases, but can people in arizona, does who will be in vulnerable positions, can they count on that? it is confusing at best. >> your question is the reason we need to repeal the ban. i issued the executive order
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because it was a tool i had at my disposal and i promised as governor i will do everything i can to protect access to reproductive health care so that is why i issued the order. i cannot make guarantees about it. we intend it to protect doctors and patients, anybody who aids in accessing reproductive healthcare but there is no certainty. the best outcome is that legislature repeals the band. >> what about health providers in your state? if this law goes into effect, why would ob/gyn's want practices in arizona? these are not optional doctors. >> absolutely, that is a valid question i am sure many healthcare providers are asking themselves. i had people tell me, if you do
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not get elected i do not think we can start a family in arizona. it is that uncertain in terms of access to reproductive healthcare. i have heard so many stories of women who have had devastating situations. a woman named morgan who spoke at my press conference was pregnant with twins, one of them had a complication, it was not going to survive in it jeopardized the other twin and she was told she needed to have a selective reduction and this was before the ban was in place. even though the procedure was not outlawed, there was uncertainty among doctors, she had to go out of state to get it. she was excited about the pregnancy and carrying both twins to term would have jeopardized the second one and her and nobody should be faced
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with these kinds of choices. that is why politicians need to be out of the equation. >> is it safe for abortion providers to continue working in your state? >> what i can tell you is that i stand behind the executive order i issued in the state attorney general said she will not prosecute. that does not mean the order will not be challenged. again the law should be repealed so we can have the certainty needed for people to access and provide needed healthcare. >> thank you for joining us tonight. when we return, more people are hitting the road as we get closer to summer. that is normal and naturally that means gas prices go up. consumers will be quick to blame president biden. why they should be looking closer and pointing the finger somewhere else. when the 11th hour continues.
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we know inflation is driving americans crazy. if you are unsure call your mother. for many it is there biggest complaint. because biden is in the white house he gets the blame. over the last few months, one thing he has been pointing to is low gas prices but
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unfortunately, recently they have been quietly going up. this is common in the summer, more people drive more and it pushes up demand but there are other reasons as well. once that may be more deliberate or even political, like saudi arabia and russia continuing to cut wheel production until june and remember when production is down prices go up. here to discuss that, the former campaign advisor for bernie sanders, and a new york times opinion contributor. tim miller is here as well, former communications director for republican judd bush. the last thing biden wants or needs is rising gas prices, do you know who wants them? saudi arabia, russia and donald trump. should biden be explaining this to the american people? when they look at the price at
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the pump they will not think about that, they will just say what is going on,president. >> i am not sure how much explaining will do for the president. the previous chief of staff was laser focused on this, every day they were monitoring gas prices. there were moves that they made, if there are levers he can pull, he should pulled them. one of the biggest concerns i have had this year was what we are talking about now, it is clear that nbs would rather have trump in the white house and the same with russia. there may be mikey business going beyond june. one thing i would like to hear from the white house is how we
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are producing a record amount of oil right now in this country. sometimes it feels like they're shy to admit that, which i understand, but they have done a lot for climate. i would like to hear the story on domestic oil production as well. >> these prices are not the fault of president biden, we have the highest wheel production in u.s. history and some overseas oil producers that would sure like to help g dt. >> one of the most brilliant political things i have seen done that was powerful, when i went to the pump there was a sticker of joe biden with finger-pointing, sticking it on pumps sing he was the reason why the pumps were so high.
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people talk about gas and groceries on campaigns every day. no matter who you are in america everybody buys gas and groceries and to your point when it goes up a little bit they will blame the person in charge even if he has nothing to do with it. the other size know it as well. >> speaking of higher prices, biden is calling to triple the tariffs on chinese steel, his goal is for us to use more american steel but it also means we could see higher prices. how does he balance the two things? >> going into a election-year this is a good narrative because what happens with the foreign companies, they dump the products on our shores for almost no cost and everybody knows in china, steel is subsidized and they are trying to hurt our market share. you get this more than anybody. it is not like gas and
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groceries, you do not see the spike immediately. it happens over time. it is built into costs for big buildings. it is a narrative for him talking about things made in america. it is one of the narratives trump stole from us and that is why you solve the president speaking at the steelworkers headquarters in pittsburgh. >> president biden put out a new ad about american workers. >> we listened to trump talking about infrastructure, it was a lot of lip service with the previous administration. biden delivered on it, jobs coming to the area, i see the policies working. we can strengthen our workforce in the country and that is what biden has done. you tell me a investment the previous administration made that is even close to what biden has done. >> will it resonate with voters? it continues to be amazing that
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trump is able to peel off union workers who support him when biden has been more prounion than any president i can of. >> the presidential election will only be held in six states , pennsylvania and the midwest are three of them, steelworkers and autoworkers, this is the perfect add to run in those three states. it is time to get back to those messaging, i designed that logo on that shirt. we need to take this narrative back if we are going to get the hard-working men and women back with the party who dealt the middle class. >> i am not leaving without asking you the impossible, house republicans on the brink of ousting speaker johnson, not six months after booting mccarthy, what is your take on this chaos? >> these guys are ungovernable.
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you keep asking and i will give you the same answer, they cannot govern themselves and they can barely name a post office after trump at this point. i do not want to be loose with the football, i will believe it when i see it, johnson sounded like a responsible speaker of the house for a couple of hours when he spoke in front of the press and did interviews talking about why we need to do our job as leader of the free world and helping to support ukraine. it is six months too late but if there is a change of tune emma with democrats help, he gets this through and we are able to help ukraine and that causes him the speakership, it is a worthwhile move. i wish he would have done it earlier but i am encouraged he said it. the only other thing he can do is throw in with crazy marge and not to anything policy wise and not help the party. he is stuck between a rock and
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a hard place in a ungovernable house conference. >> lucy gets a bad rap, she was all always my favorite peanut. thank you for being here. it is always a pleasure to see you. if you cannot imagine a second trump term, project 2025, get used to it, it paints a vivid picture of what is in store. we will take into it when the 11th hour continues. do not go to bed, you need to see this. see this.
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please pay attention to this, what i am about to read is crazy. quote, the department of health and human services should return to being known as the department of life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is healthcare and the department of education and should be eliminated because it is part of a woke cartel. these are quotes from the plague book of a group called project 2025. it is 900 pages long. it is a manifesto from trump's closest allies for what he would do starting day one if he takes the presidency in november.
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there is more, weapon i think the justice department and paving the way for hundreds of thousands of deportations and more. if you want to know what a second term looks like it is all in the project 2025 playbook and that is why in the days to come we will dig into it highlighting specific passages that every voter should be aware of. tonight i want to talk to two experts about what project 2025 is and how it is influencing trump. columnist of the independent and ruth joins us, history professor at nyu and author of the book strongmen. thank you for being here. you have spent a lot of time studying these 900 pages and most people do not even know what they are. how would you describe it? >> they have chosen a neutral name, project 2025 to cover up that this is a plan to transform america into a autocracy and provide
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government structures and personnel to support autocracy. one of the most scary things if you study what i do is a quote that says there is a existential need to aggressively use the vast powers of the executive. that does not sound like democracy with the executive branch is checked, again it says it is a existential need that we must do it or the republic will perish. the fact that this is going on is not normal. you have transition teams that activate after a election. we are before the election and there are 100 organizations under the umbrella of the heritage foundation, thousands of people already being vetted to be trump loyalists to be civil service personnel and
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they have a presidential administration academy. this is done as though they will come back to power and in fact the prime minister of hungary did not see biden, he went to kiss the ring of trump and that he went to the heritage foundation so it is like a shadow autocratic government waiting to spring into action. >> what do we need to know? how would this plan fundamentally change the government? >> what trump is trying to do is remove and target the guardrails that prevented his worst impulses in his first term. what we have here is the disparaging of civil servants doing their day to day job and he wants to install loyalists and break agencies under the umbrella of the executive branch so we are talking about
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shutting down the fbi entirely. defunding the doj, eliminating the department of commerce. bringing the ftc and fcc under the executive branch and for a president that has already been targeting journalists rhetorically, for him to come and take these other agencies under the executive branch it is concerning. the broadcast license we have especially here at msnbc and otherwise, could be targeted . that is one step of a dangerous authoritarian agenda. >> this plan is not
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>> reporter: paris has never seen anything like it. and in 100 days, we will all get to share in the celebration. keir simmons, nbc news, paris. >> our friend keir simmons and the city of light to take us off the air. tonight. and on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i'll see you at


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